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Lookup Service must have mappings set for Java servlet pages.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-256718 VCLU-70-000013 SV-256718r888745_rule Medium
Resource mapping is the process of tying a particular file type to a process in the web server that can serve that type of file to a requesting client and identify which file types are not to be delivered to a client. By not specifying which files can and cannot be served to a user, the web server could deliver to a user web server configuration files, log files, password files, etc. Because Tomcat is a Java-based web server, the main file extension used is *.jsp. This check ensures the *.jsp and *.jspx file types has been properly mapped to servlets.
VMware vSphere 7.0 vCenter Appliance Lookup Service Security Technical Implementation Guide 2023-02-21


Check Text ( C-60393r888743_chk )
At the command prompt, run the following command:

# xmllint --format /usr/lib/vmware-lookupsvc/conf/web.xml | sed 's/xmlns=".*"//g' | xmllint --xpath '/web-app/servlet-mapping/servlet-name[text()="jsp"]/parent::servlet-mapping' -

Expected result:


If the .jsp and .jspx file url-patterns are not configured as in the expected result, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-60336r888744_fix)
Navigate to and open:


Navigate to and locate the mapping for the JSP servlet. It is the node that contains jsp.

Configure the node to look like the code snippet below:


Restart the service with the following command:

# vmon-cli --restart lookupsvc